I have had this song rolling in my head for the past few days. No joke.
10 days or less and we will hopefully get to meet our boy. I can't quite formulate the right sentence to follow that... too much to pack into one sentence... but overall, much praise and excitement!
The little man performed wonderfully at the ultrasound this morning; he completed all his 'tasks' right away. The little guy was even so awesome as to move and groove like an acrobat in the waiting room (giving his parents continued reassurance in a typical high-stress time). I was much more composed this week and again grateful for such a talented doctor and staff. They took blood with results to come on Monday. If my platelets drop down, they will take baby next week. Or I could just go into labor! Otherwise...
Our induction is officially scheduled for 5am (!) on Monday, May 2nd.
10 days or less folks!
Thanks, in advance, for your prayers for the next 10 days and for delivery. I am anxious about Easter because Easter Sunday is when Maelee died last year. But the Lord has given us two moms that will be with us that day and in the week ahead... to love on us, pray for us, distract us and cook for us! And He has also promised us to be Who He Is and I can rest in that.
I'm hoping to really treasure these next 10 days with our boy on the inside and not worry or wish them away. I hope I'll get to be pregnant again someday but the reality is I may not (I am not in control, this I know) so I do want to treasure all the uncomfortableness and sweetness and downright weirdness that is God's design for human reproduction. And I have only 10 days to digest all your suggestions on preparing for the inevitable stink to come... so that will keep me busy!
Some of you may be wondering about our birth plan. My birth plan: to get baby here alive. However that needs to happen, I'm game. I refuse to be crazy opinionated about this... be informed, yes, but be open and flexible.
Here's a tentative timeline of the next weeks for those type A's that may be interested:
Tomorrow night: Grandma K arrives!
Tuesday 4/26: Ultrasound and Dr app't
Friday 4/29: Ultrasound and Dr app't
Monday 5/2: Induction Date! Lexington Medical Center
... insert a whole lot of awesome and unknown here...
Thursday 5/5: Grandpa K arrives!
Friday 5/6: Grandpa T and Auntie Amy arrive!
Sunday 5/8: Baby Dedication at Riverbend Community Church (service time TBD) and possible Meet Baby Shower at our place in the afternoon (info to follow)
Thursday 5/12 - Sunday 5/15: All family leaves :(
Monday 5/16: Our new reality begins!
Join with me as we can now count on two hands how many days are left before we get to hold our much-anticipated little man...