Sunday, May 1, 2011

We Are Home. Again.

Thanks for praying for Eli. Prayers are answered!

We got to come home late this afternoon. Eli's jaundice got better, he's breastfeeding better, milk is better, we both got mini-naps today... all wonderful things!

We are feeding every two hours and are completely sleep-deprived. It's awesome. I may not be getting anything else done but most things don't really need to get done anyway.

I have definitely transitioned from freaking out about getting him here alive (oh what wonder of wonders that is so!) to freaking out about any and every other thing that can go wrong. Please pray for that anxiety.

To feed and then to bed,



Sarah said...

Yay!!! So thankful you guys are home!! We will continue to pray for you guys and little Eli!

TheSpeights said...

I love you guys so much. I'm so excited to hear you are all home. Praying for your anxiety (I REALLY know what you mean on that one), for Greg and for Eli.

Jill K said...

Yea Yea! This is just the news we wanted to wake up to! So bummed (to waaaay understate it) that we don't get to hold this sweet boy or join the party on Mother's Day... but know that we are celebrating with you now and next Sun and beyond!

Much love to you all... and the whole extended crew there with you too!!

PS- your parents are moving!? where!?

Nikole said...

Wonderful news, momma! Except for the anxiety part. Will pray that God gives you peace and clarity of mind and sound judgement. Really looking forward to next Sunday afternoon!

Anonymous said...

So glad Eli is home again! Praying for your emotions to settle down and for the peace that passes all understanding to guard your hearts and your minds. I hope you get some good stretches of sleep in between those feedings :)

Remember to pass around the hand sanitizer when visitors come to admire sweet little Eli. (Not to add more anxiety, but germs were my anxiety point :).

Praying for you all!

Diane Kemp said...

Great news. Prayin' for some sleep and for your anxiety.

Anonymous said...

I understand the anxiety all too well. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Revel in the awesomeness of holding Eli and just watching him breathe. I love you all so much and am soooo excited to see you. 4 days...!
- Amy Brown

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and God's Blessings! We are just so excited for you and thankful for the safe arrival of Eli. Enjoy every minute...even the fussy times.. as they go by so so quickly! Love you guys!

Carl and Betty Tengesdal