Wednesday, November 2, 2011


New fresh look here at grether blog.

Not sure why I chose to give us a facelift and add a little birdie. A few hours ago I was working on updating my Norwex blog to a new address and lookee here, now it's 11:15.

I should be sleeping.

But Greg is out playing football, practicing for the big game on Saturday. CIU (where is attending school) has a North/South game every fall. The students from the North play the students from the South. Isn't that great? Every year that Greg has played the North has won. He didn't play last year. They lost. I'm hoping Greg enjoys playing this year. I hope he doesn't get hurt. He's like the "old" guy playing with all these young-ens.... which is why their practices start at our normal bedtime. Seriously. When did we get old?

He just pulled up. Good thing. I really should be in bed. In my defense, it is really hard for me to fall asleep if Greg's not home. I would be a horrible military wife. Those woman are amazing.

Here's Eli today. I found this shirt at the Goodwill for fifty cents. It's a drum set. Perhaps he will be a 'lil drummer just like his daddy. And play football like his daddy. And be schmart like his daddy.

Off to bed. Here's hoping for another stellar sleep performance by our son tonight.


I'll fix any mistakes I'm sure are lurking on the blog... tomorrow.

1 comment:

Linnea said...

Woo hoo for birds, football and $.50 thrift store finds in brown with drum sets!