Thursday, January 9, 2014


As most of you know, naming our kids has always been quite the conundrum. Especially with Annalee, we struggled with what we were going to name her. With our other two, I was very adamant that I didn't want to plan to name them one thing yet call them another. It's being married to a Gregory that has fueled that frustration. He never goes by Gregory and therefore, it doesn't seem like his name. Unless he's in trouble.

However, as we were gearing up for another baby last spring, I remember being fairly set that if baby was a boy the baby's name was going to be Charles Lloyd. Charles after Greg's grandpa Chris (whose first name was Charles) and after both my dad Lloyd and Greg's grandpa Harold Lloyd. But I was totally going to call him Charlie since I think it's a fantastic name (and on our list of names each pregnancy). So I sort of let go my prior strict rules. 

That coupled with the fact that Annalee is sort of a mouthful, I decided early on it would be okay if she ended up with a nickname. I think I even told a few people "it's okay if you want to call her ___." I didn't have one picked out, I just didn't want to be one of those anal moms that says you cannot call my kid such-and-such nickname. I figured she may end up an "Anna" or "Annie" and that was fine (both were on our list to name her anyway so obviously liked). So far, my family are really the only ones that have started calling her Annie. Though sometimes I do (it sounds similar actually) and sometimes I'll sing this song to her. I might add that I do love her name. Annalee. It's sweet and cute, perfectly unique, and flows with love out of this mama's heart when I say it.

That said, her brother has started her with a nickname that I'm afraid will stick and God only knows when she'll be able to rid herself of it. I don't think he tried saying it like this, his little mouth just doesn't make the "l" sound like it should. So he says it this way and now both Greg and I have found ourselves repeating it. I scolded Greg weeks ago to stop because I knew it'd stick but I've totally done it too.


We are so sorry, sweet girl, if you end up an Annawee the rest of your life. Going to totally point the finger at your older brother on this one.


Check out Instagram for a video of Eli saying his sister's name, and commenting on her hair:


lissare14 said...

That is amazing:) Your kids are so darn cute! My given name is Melissa and my mom wanted me to go by Missy. Well, big brother Mark couldn't say his M's so I became Lissa. I am very thankful now as I don't see myself as a Missy:) blessings in disguise!

Anonymous said...

OH THAT I SO CUTE! I have a very embarrassing nickname that my brother's call me... in no way tied to my name "Wizzie"... and now... can you see how that is NOT a cool name to tell your junior high friends... thank goodness i have made it to 40 without being called that except by my brothers still.... i like it now. :-) of course, only they can call me that as there has to be a certain tone in it that speaks love!