Sunday, March 29, 2015

Catch Up On Sleep.

Greg and I are celebrating (one month early) ten years married. Boom. We went from very young marrieds twenty-somethings, to well into our thirties and double digits of being together. Wowzers. Since I'm the youngest in my family, and my extended family mostly too, it feels a bit odd. I've always thought of myself as the young one. Now I'm getting older (and all my family is getting super older (ha ha ha Am, how do you like them apples?!)). Of course, I really am still young (I'm not one of those people thinking I'm old already) but I'm old enough to not be all crazy hip and my hair is fastly going gray (another post for another day). I shall embrace it all, God willing, with grace. And with Greg.

Ah, I am glad for marriage with this guy. And so grateful for him and for this time together with him and not our kids. It helps to have focused conversation, uninterrupted sleep, and no responsibilities.
We were on a boat.

Florida is great. Allegiant flies direct here and for a decent price. Plus Father Uncle Tony is here with his parish and connections so it's an even better and cheap vacation. We would have rather gone to SC and seen all our friends, but it wouldn't have been relaxing and one-on-one like this. We will save that for a trip with the kiddos (in 2016?!?).

And a BIG shout out to our parents for taking the kids this week. Y'all are amazing and part of why we have a strong marriage (both sets of parents (and grandparents) all still married? now that is a legacy to live these days). Miss those cuties but we are assured they are in the best of hands.


1 comment:

Jill K said...

Oh I'm so glad we left you that note in Feb in Bismarck for FL plans.... I thought maybe I could just email you about it closer to your trip but I haven't hardly seen a computer it seems, since we've been back for nearly a month now. I so hope you enjoyed FL in your own, fantastically special delightful memorable way!