At one point during the small window of time we were able to witness this beauty, I turned to Greg and said "Maelee is in a way better place than that." It's true. Nothing on earth can compare to the beauty and wonder that is heaven. And we can't even imagine...
Many people picture heaven as some fluffy place in the clouds with everyone standing around in white robes. I think that's a false perception (brought on by too many Family Circus comics). I often think of heaven when I see clouds but I have completely readjusted my idea of clouds being all that heaven is.
[Warning - I may offend you here] Another misconception prevalent today is that when babies (or people in general) die, they become angels. There is no biblical basis for that. I do not get peace out of thinking that Maelee has wings and is floating around me. She is in heaven, her soul, her being is there. She's completely whole. She's doing whatever people in heaven do (including worshiping Jesus and bringing glory to their Creator... but not being bored with singing hymns all day). Angels are created, finite beings, some are messengers or warriors but they are not humans who have died.
Sorry if I offended you, especially if you have had a loved one die and get peace from thinking they are your angel... but I even asked our counselor (first session this morning) about it and she confirmed that indeed, it is not biblical to think people become angels upon death. I was hoping Matt Chandler or John Piper or someone would have a sermon about angels to share here but I couldn't find one.
I know Maelee is in heaven. She's not an angel and that's okay. I cannot begin to fathom all that heaven is (and I only read one chapter in Alcorn's book "Heaven" so I can't even state his thoughts here) but I believe heaven exists. I cling to this even in my darkest moments of doubt, those times when understanding fails me, a void fills me and my practical mind can't explain it away.
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C.S. Lewis
Wow. Those pictures are amazing!
Amazing...Beautiful...Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing! Glad you started counseling! Prayin for ya!
I'm jealous of Maelee. No more pain, no more tears. Just Jesus and all His glory.
The pictures are pretty too.
Nikole A.
These pictures are FANTASTIC! It's amazing how much we take for granted. I agree on the angel thing, too. I think it's pretty awesome that Maelee gets to hug Jesus any time she wants. I love a good hug so I can imagine those hugs are pretty amazing. I am so glad you started counseling. I hope it helps to heal a little. You guys have been through so much in just 2 short months. I think about you guys all the time. Keep the pictures coming. You have a serious talent!
love you three
Wow, what an amazing glimpse of His glory...thanks for sharing these pictures, and your hearts.
Continuing to pray for you and all your family,
Laurel & Bill
Sweet shots Heather- of heaven and ND. And great word about heaven, angels.... so good to hear all this from you.
Last night we were talking about you guys with some friends here. They mentioned other friends- who work in our company here- who lost their baby with no warning at 6 weeks of age, passed away being rocked to sleep. That dad said "It's an amputation. People ask us if we're healed, but you just don't heal up from an amputation. You heal in that place to not let infection creep in. But you don't grow back your lost limb. You learn to live without a part of you."
We are praying as you begin the physical therapy of counseling to learn to walk, to learn to live, missing this great part of you, Maelee.
The HEAVEN perspective on your loss is what makes it worthwhile to carry on... even to learn to run again, isn't it? Christ has conquered all for us- our sin, our eternal death. He has secured for Maelee and for us eternal life. May we live well for his praise.... just as you are praising him as you grieve through this.
I love you all so much.
We love you so much.
Absolutely gorgeous pictures! God put those clouds and colors in the sky at that very moment just for you!!
Beautiful pictures, Heather! And I completely agree on your perspectives on Heaven - our spirits do not become angels, (angels are a different created being). I do wonder if babies grow up in Heaven. I guess I will find out someday. When I admire anything beautiful in nature - a sunset, flowers, butterflies, or the little hummingbird that visited me this morning - I think of how Heaven is SO much more beautiful and has so many more wonders than we can even imagine. I am also so thankful that Heaven is safe and loving - that touches my mother's heart in a way I can't describe.
Praying for you!
Lisa Woodrow
Listened to these words today:
"You made this world to look so nice,
I wonder what the next one's like?"
I love It!! Thank you for helping me remember we were made for another beautiful perfect place! Thank You!! No more tears.. No more pain... only tears of JOY! Thank You Heather! :-) Thank You JESUS!
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