Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Letter Debacle.

You may have noticed a lack of Grether Kasowski Christmas letter/photo in your mailbox. Don't worry, we haven't dropped you from our address book. We aren't doing one this year.

I just can't do it! Christmas letters are supposed to be full of happy times, fluffy reflections on the past year, newsy stuff that somehow defines who we were the past year. Last year I was dreaming about the colors and layout of our baby's first Christmas letter (yes, I'm one of those people that loves paper). And of course, our letter last year announced we were having a baby girl.

And this year, well, our little boy is getting the shaft in this Christmas card thing. Because as much as we are thrilled and anticipating his arrival the upcoming year... as much as we would love to write a letter announcing "it's a boy!"... what defines us more from 2010 is our daughter. And losing her is not a fluffy happy time. It's quite depressing. Who wants to read about our journey through grief when they open their mail? Bam!

So instead of sending out a Christmas letter to everyone and forcing all to encounter our not letter worthy year at the same time they get their new Real Simple and junk mail, instead I will say just read our blog when you are up to it. And thanks.

Christmas season allows us to reflect on the previous year. This year, we do with a heavy heart because we were forever changed by a beautiful baby. But Christmas isn't about the best Christmas letters, it's not about Maelee, it's not about us missing her this season, not about family. It's about Jesus.

I hope we all remember that each year. And next year, I'm really hoping that regardless of what 2011 brings, I'll be ready for a photo shoot and excited about paper and layouts and matching envelopes again.



Jill K said...


This IS a worthy Chirstmas letter. Such a hard story, so beautifully written. What an honor to your girl and to your God.

We love you and are with you as much as we can be in 2010's grief and in expectation for great joy in 2011..... and beyond that, we're with you with in the Imperishable Hope of Christ who is beyond all of this grief and joy and who. will. redeem.

much love to you from China

Nikole said...

I echo what Jill said. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for continuing to share your heart with all of us, I enjoy reading about where you are in this journey.
Enjoy your time with family and being back in MN--have fun making that snowman!!
Love you all!
The Simons