Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caffeine = Drug.

Last week baby had two non-stress tests that were well, a tiny bit stressful for me. She wasn't moving as much as they needed. She was most likely sleeping. Her little heart-rate was just steady and great... but they need to see it go up/down a certain amount of times within twenty minutes or so. I was probably in there 45 minutes one day and an hour the other (to her credit, once I rolled on my side she perked right up).

Today, however, this was not the case. Sunday night I got a migraine. Super frustrating considering my last two pregnancies migraines stopped in the second trimester and stayed away. Not surprising considering the stress of late. Mr. Migraine has stayed around, getting really bad last night and right now actually. This morning, though, I drank coffee. It helps to lessen the pounding. And let me tell you, caffeine completely and totally affects babies in utero.

Baby girl was moving like crazy! Check out the non-stress test below. That left line is her heart-rate. Last week it looked more like mine on the right, a very steady straight line with a little bump here and there. Today, there are lines zig-zagging up down all over! She passed within twenty minutes.

caffeine crazy
In her ultrasound prior, she was so cute (and I actually really mean that, alien-ish look of ultrasounds and all). She was sucking her whole little fist. You could see her mouth/jaw moving and just going to town on her fingers. It was really sweet to see. Plus she was moving around really well and scored an 8/8 on that portion of the day. Glad for that gift today.

Overall it seems that baby girl is doing fine today... even though she had a cup of Grandpa's coffee this morning and now a cherry pepsi. Pretty sure she's more active than her momma today. Oh and there is nothing you can take for migraines during pregnancy except Tylenol (bummer) and I've found caffeine actually works better. It's a drug, folks!


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