Tuesday, November 26, 2013


My aunt came yesterday for some holiday baking. It was more like she brought all the stuff mostly ready and did all the work while Eli and I pretended to help. Easiest baking ever!

Eli lasted about five minutes rolling the ginger cookie dough in sugar. It also took all his will to not eat all the dough/sugar or lick his hands every two seconds. Hard concept for this baker. 

Baby Bird?

Popcorn balls!

Here you go...

And she slept the whole day. Somebody needs to tell this kid to sleep at night instead:

Thanks for coming, auntie "ruffie"! So glad for you being so close. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a fun day...love your kiddos and you! And I am thankful you are so close, now, too! Enjoy your goodies:)