Our little guy behaved so wonderfully! He showed all the parts and moved around so nicely for us! We saw and heard a most excellent heartbeat (155). We saw him moving his little hands... how cool to see his little fingers almost waving! "Hey Mom and Dad... I know you're nervous but I'm doing well and loving life in here!" We are thrilled that everything looks great and normal and baby is measuring right at 18-19 weeks (since I'll be delivering early, we are at the half-way point for sure!).
And for all you naysayers, we for sure saw there-is-no-doubt-it's-a-boy parts.
So join us in thanking the Lord for a completely positive ultrasound today and for a healthy son thus far.
I'll post some ultrasound photos and maybe even some video of our little red-headed (taking a pretty certain guess there) boy Kasowski soon.
EEEEEE!!!! So excited to hear the great news! So thankful that all is well. Love you! Miss you! So proud of you both, I am just beaming.
- Auntie Amy
Awesome! Laurel and I found out on Friday that we are having a boy as well! Due April 13th! Congratulations! Woop woop!
Oops the above comment was from Bill Crosby, BTW.
SO THRILLED!!!! Yay!!! I most definitely believe you are right... you will have a Red Head ADORABLE Boy!!
Praise the Lord!! We are all thrilled for you. Praying for you often. Much love, Rebekah and crew
Yea!! Congrats on your little man! we are so excited for your family. Merry Christmas!
So happy... blue is a new thing :) Am, Grammy, and the girl cousins!
I'm so excited for you guys! What a fantastic day! I've been thinking about names all day. ha! I can't wait to meet him and squeeze him. God has blessed you guys with this perfect little boy. I can't wait to buy stuff (when you guys are ready of course). I love you four very much! Hooray!!
I am so happy for you guys! What great news. Greg was beaming when he came in and told us that it was a boy. Praise the Lord! I have been praying that you would be able to see clearly if it was a boy or girl.
Happy day. I could clearly see my boy's parts as well!! So happy for you all. Half way there!!! YES!!
thriled tears.... great joy....
we love you all soo much! So grateful for a great ultrasound!
Grandpa and Grandma are thrilled beyond words! We can see Maelee smiling on her little brother. God is so good...
Congratulations! Rejoicing with you at this wonderful news! Praying for you all this Christmas season and for your sweet baby boy!!! :)
so exciting!!
Awesome! Congratulations! We are so excited for you!
Josh and Lauren
Congrats from a friend of Matt and Jill's who has followed your story since Easter. Oh my - what a gracious Christmas gift you have been given. Praising Jesus with you!
Laura (my husband Matt is a north dakotan, knows the K family from his UND days)
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