Tuesday, August 27, 2013

No Rosettes.

Our girl is doing well. She was positioned very well for the ultrasound this morning so that was great. Then she took a little nap for the non-stress test portion so I ended up sitting there a long while, she just needed time to show her moves. Went over things with the doctor and we are moving forward... and will do this all again on Friday.

I then overheard someone talking about making sure this or that was ready in their nursery.

Freaking out about a nursery not ready? Please. I'm just trying to get through every day! The poor girl is just not getting a nursery and cuteness for her arrival... she was going to get us-living-in-parents-basement anyway, but even more so is now is getting the short end of the stick on readiness. I know she won't remember or care, that's all me. I have been at least thinking about what we'll need to get yet and may even have her bag packed soon. I had expectations of fun, cute craft projects and things to make for her... cute little headbands and embellished onesies and rosettes on everything. Those are not important in the long scheme of things.

She'll still be adorable!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rosettes are totally overrated :)