Sunday, November 2, 2014


Greg's job at KAT Communication is busy. He is way, way more busy than good 'ol BCBS of SC. Way. Much more rewarding, of course, but still much more intense. He does get to be a part of some neat projects. A few weeks ago he learned how to fly a drone so he could help out getting aerial shots for video shoots. That's cool, right?

Drone. Basically a video game with a real helicopter with video capabilities.
Mesmerized by said drone.
Captivated by same drone and desperately wanting to be taken by the aliens.
And when they needed to quick do a commercial for the ND Highway Patrol and an hour before the video shoot a family was needed, Greg stepped up. I was actually working at that time but he texted and said he had to pick up the kids from daycare for a shoot. Earlier that day, we had our Christmas card photos taken. So when you get our card in the mail, you'll know because they are all wearing these same outfits from the video. You can see Greg holding Annalee in a few bits of the video. And Eli debuts at minute 2:48. How cute is he?!

Anyone want to move to ND and work for the Highway Patrol? You should. 


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