Monday, September 6, 2010

That Was Before.

I hope you don't have one. I wish beyond anything we didn't. But we do. We have this event, this tragedy, that marks our lives. All things are measured based on this event.

As a result, we find ourselves saying or thinking statements like "well that was before" or "since then" or just "before...". Our whole lives are marked by Maelee's death five months ago. We don't mean to, but we measure life based on that day. I don't know if it will always be so, but for now, I am deeply aware how much this has changed us.

We miss you, M.


TheSpeights said...

Yesterday I was thinking how the 6th had rolled around again so quickly. It seems the days pass by so fast "since then." I am constantly keeping you guys in my prayers and remembering Maelee everyday. I still can see her name on my mirror where I wrote it in the steam for the Maelee book. I have refused to clean it until I can no longer see her name. It reminds me to pray until then.

Love you three,

Bill Crosby said...

There was another tragedy that we mark time with a 'before' and an 'after'. I have great hope and encouragement when the rememberance of that day come around every year. I know it carries more weight for you 'since', but easter is that tragedy the whole world uses to discuss before and after. While I don't understand God's ways many times or at all, I am very thankful that Maelee was given to you. Without you two loving parents, Maelee could very well have been tossed aside as 'biological waste', but as God-centered parents, she was presented to all your friends and relatives in a very meaningful way. There is no way she will ever be considered 'waste'! She is beautiful, and I am very thankful that I was able to catch a glimpse of that beauty. So, I guess, that gives me hope, too, that the new heaven and new earth that God is preparing is as beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bill Crosby for your thoughts...they are beautiful. I like to think of my great niece, Maelee in the arms of our loving heavenly Father. And the place we will join her someday! Love to you Greg and Heather...Aunt Ruth

Aimee said...

I just found this through a mama who commented on my blog...didn't know if you had seen it or if it would mean something to you: