Monday, May 6, 2013

Hurdle Check.

This weekend I went through the bins of bigger size clothes and maternity clothes I have accumulated through the past few years. I tried on almost every pair of pants to see if they should be kept or not. It took some time! Then I went through my now normal clothes and packed them away...for now.

After hours of doing this, my main thought was "oh I hope all this work was not in vain!" I didn't want to do all this re-shifting and then have to do it all over again miserably too soon.

And this morning when I heard that little heartbeat at my appointment, I was so grateful to know baby made it alive through April and I will continue to need bigger pants. Although I'm in a different season this go round so I may end up actually having to buy some hot weather maternity pants. Or I'll just wear pajamas and stay inside all August and September so I don't melt. Ha. Sort of kidding.

For now, rejoice with us that this little one is alive! And in a few weeks we will have an ultrasound to see how he or she is progressing and to know if we have a baby brother or baby sister in there!



Jill K said...

We are rejoicing with you for this hurdle.... And for April now done...
rejoicing and praying for you-

Katie said...

so many hurdles. so grateful they come one at a time. may our merciful Father grant the strength to face each one in its time and not to worry or fear the rest. love you friend and am praying for precious baby k #4.