Thursday, July 4, 2013


Our good friends had quite the bash today in celebration of independence day. I had candied bacon. It was tasty! I also ate loads and loads of other good food. I love holidays.

Check out the cake someone brought to the party that they bought at Bi-Lo (local grocery store):
You must, must say this with a southern accent.
Jeremy bought these for Eli. He didn't really keep them on, but how cute!

He did really like the sparklers and thankfully, no incidents!
I made safer "sparklers" treats.
It turned out to be quite the 4th of July! Though we decided against letting our kid stay awake for the fun fireworks and put him to bed with a noise machine on instead. Lame.



Unknown said...

The pic of Eli holding the sparkler is just precious. I did notice how he had Greg match. In our house we call that "Lego People".... where the top of one person matches the bottom of the other. I hope it's an ongoing trend!

Karina said...

Sorry ^^ was me. :)