Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am a pretty organized person. I like to see order in things. I was a secretary all through college. I had really nice looking files. In all my jobs. I've always made things orderly. I loved taking unorganized chaos and bringing some sense of order to it. It's part of the reason why I could roam Staples and swoon over labels and file folders. It's also part of the reason I have way too many office supplies for an unemployed person.

Enter in my husband. That should be a transition sentence for "I married the opposite, he's a complete slob" but it's not. Greg is pretty similar to me. His files might not look as nice but he is one detailed, organized guy. It's in his nature for sure. We found a notebook he kept through college listing all his expenses and gifts. He writes incredibly small and he is not a spender so it all fit in one steno notepad. He also kept every pay stub through college. How many guys in college are organized and care enough to do that?!

So us two crazy people get married. And we file EVERYTHING. I remember a few years after moving to SC, we did purge some of our bills from living in ND. But every water bill we've ever had living here in the last six years? Filed. Every statement. Filed. Every user manual. Filed. In fact, up until a few months ago, we actually kept most every receipt we received. We used to input all that info (oh dear) but now we just let a computer do that work. We like to have complete records. I know you are calling us nerds right now. I accept that.

Well, all this was fine and dandy. We had a filing cabinet. Granted, it was getting a little full. But now that filling cabinet needs to find it's way in our attic so our little boy can take over that closet space. So it was time. It was time to purge and let go of too many organized, but unnecessary items. And we did it! We went through loads of files and got rid of anything not needed. We kept only the important stuff.

And I got to make new labels. Typed out. They look nice. You're jealous. I know.

I wish I could show you photos of Eli's new room since my goal was to have it ready for him to move in the first of July. But we still have a little work to do to get ready for the transition. But we are close! The files were one of the last declutter steps. The sooner Eli gets settled means the sooner we can get the baby room ready for a sweet little girl again. I'm 24 weeks now so prepared we must get!


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