Thursday, March 3, 2011

He's Cute.

We saw our boy on the "big screen" today. He's growing like normal and everything seems fine from what they can tell in an ultrasound. We are all about normal.

As soon as she flipped to the 4D ultrasound and we could really see his face, I had this instinctive urgent "I want to hold him NOW" feeling. I know I need to wait for him to get ready. But this mama could really use her baby to cuddle. And oh he is cute! Obviously I'm biased and obviously we'll love him even if he does look like a monkey. His nose looks a lot like Maelee's did in her ultrasounds. And I think he has Greg's mouth. But it's all speculation.

I am too lazy to scan the ultrasound tonight, but I will try to do it soon.

And I must mention the grace we experienced today leading up to the appointment. Baby has been moving a ton. Neither of us felt much anxiety about the appointment today and we know that was the Lord working. You would have to be in our shoes to understand the emotions going into an ultrasound. I can't spend much time recounting April 5, 2010 in my head - it's just too raw and painful and honestly torture to remember. So the fact we were at peace today is a huge blessing.

And we'll keep depending on God's grace in the weeks to come. At the end of the month I start weekly ultrasounds that we now have scheduled through the end of April. We are going to have one seriously full DVD of our boy in the womb come then!

1 comment:

Ausmerican Housewife - Creating with Kara Davies said...

I hope we get a zillion ultrasounds with our next and next and next babies. (No, not pregnant yet. I wish.)

We only saw Evan twice before he was born. At 7 weeks to determine how far along we were at at 18wk 5d to check if he was a boy or not. *sigh* I miss the anticipation of seeing our little guy on the screen and watching his goofy barrel roll antics.

You be good little brother of Maelee. You be good!