Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yesterday I clicked on a link (shopping for a few things online) and somehow got a nasty malware virus on our computer. It was so sneaky. It made it look like a Windows program telling you something was wrong... but I knew something wasn't right. I then spent the next hours and hours trying to make it right again. We're talking into the bowels of the computer... command and registires and other such crazy things. I at least stopped said virus from taking over the world computer. When Greg came home, he spent more hours and hours tweaking and making everything back to normal.

I'm a fairly computer savvy person and I have no idea how non-techy people's computers survive. Really. And the fact that there are people out there making viruses to rob you or mess you up... that's just pure evil.

I am telling you this because it couldn't have happened at a worse time. We've had this computer for three plus years and I've never run into this sort of bull. But the day, the very day that I need to put the finishing touches on Maelee's album and get it ordered... that is the day this happens. Were there tears? Yes. I was so very frustrated. I used a program which stores photo projects on your computer, not on their site. Meaning I couldn't work on it or even have the files if my computer wasn't working. For awhile there, I wasn't sure if the book was completely lost or  not.

Thankfully all was righted and I worked on it late last night. I had until today to order it but I didn't want to take my chances. I ordered it last night. It's done!

Is it perfect? No. But it will be so nice to have. And my gracious husband leaned over and said to me last night, "You can always do another one" after he listened to me worrying about how it will turn out and wondering if I remembered to add everything. It's 82 pages... I sure hope so!

I'll let you know when it arrives and my final thoughts. I may even do a post about photo book sites... I definitely have my favorites and my opinions on them.


PS - No joke... just as I was about to publish this post... Firefox crashed. Thankfully blogger saved this little draft. Must.Get.Off.Computer.For.Sanity's.Sake.

1 comment:

Dori said...

So glad you got your crazy computer fixed. But most glad you got Maelee's book done - can't wait to see it!