If you want to "share" the photo on your page so random people I don't know can like it, feel free.
We are heading to the doctor this morning. The little man has an ear infection (I think). Also Eli was "evaluated" yesterday morning by the consultant lady and we'll get results in a few weeks if he qualifies for physical therapy or development help or whatever he needs to start crawling/pulling up/sucking (those are the areas he lacks). More on that later!
UPDATE: No ear infection! That's good news but it doesn't explain the crabby or the random ear pulling. I guess we'll go with teeth. I had ulterior motives, however. I wanted to talk to our doctor about weaning Eli and his no-crawling stuff. She gave the okay to try whole milk (I feel like I'm running dry and Eli's not getting enough). She also is going to call the coordinator that came over yesterday to expedite the process. All in all, worth the $20 co-pay!
And YES, go vote/like Eli by 5pm today! We only need 20-25 more likes I think!
UPDATE 2: Eli won! I'm pretty amazed at social media where in under 24 hours, Eli got 99 votes! Plus a few more for good measure. I think I became slightly obsessed with it yesterday, I guess we don't usually win things. I'm not sure what store the $100 gift card is from... so here's hoping it's someplace awesome and not like Chad's Plumbing Supplies or Palmetto Fire Hydrants. I'll let you know. Thanks to all our friends and family that "liked" Eli and continue to like him.
I vote twice. Two facebook accounts. What a great looking boy. Love the hat for Easter.
I think Luke should get half the $$ since he picked that book out for Eli! :)
I can't believe that in the only 2 days of the year when I haven't been able to get to a computer, I missed the chance to like Eli on Facebook... I for sure would have. I would have even loved him if it would have helped.
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