Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Inquiring minds want to know so...

I have been quite shocked at my baby bump this time around. I remember being in Arizona and feeling like all the really good food the baby was showing. But I was only 10ish weeks along so I figured that couldn't be... but by the end of our week there one of the pairs of pants I brought didn't button anymore. Interesting.

For my appointment yesterday, I was convinced I had gained ten pounds already... that's how significant I feel the bump has become. But oddly enough, I've only gained a pound or two max. It's just all out there. My doctor said babies start showing much earlier the more pregnancies you have (which makes me wonder if those moms with 20 kids start showing at conception).

I went back and looked at my bi-monthly belly shots with Maelee and me at 20.5 weeks with her. It's about how I look now at 12 weeks!

I don't have these weekly shots from Eli but I did not start really showing until into week 20 something or more with him. This is me at maybe 25 weeks?

And really am not into all this belly shots on the internet thing...but I don't want this baby to feel left out:

It's hard to capture it on camera myself and get the full affect but here was me trying to figure out what I'm wearing to the wedding this weekend: 

And yes, I chose the photo of me that did not have my dorky "is this going to work" face or the one where I felt my arm was ginormous.

Here's to hoping I get to see this belly (and baby) grow!
