Friday, June 8, 2012


Eli had his first x-rays today. Let's hope he rarely (or never!) has to have x-rays in his life. He did great though, the nurse called him "quite inquisitive" as he observed everything in the room.

Thankfully everything with his weird popping knee turned out normal! The doctor thought it could be disc uh blah blah blah (I don't remember, it started with disc) which could require surgery when he's older but after his x-rays, she didn't see signs of that now. She said something about kids' ligaments changing or aren't as solid (okay, she used better medical terminology) so that's most likely the reason for the popping. She wants to see him in three months to make sure he's walking by then and double check that there are no problems. Our little man is just fine and I am thankful!

I also had the doctor check his head and she said it looks great (it's a little flat on one side). But hey, I knew we were paying a $55 co-pay so by golly, I was going to ask any question I could! I'm pretty sure Eli could have gotten away with anything at that office, the ladies were in love with him!

Now to reassure all you doting family members, here are some photos of Eli I just took, proving he is just a-okay:
Big boy!
He's smiling because I am playing This Little Piggy on his toes, a loved activity of his.
AND I am even going to post another video that I took an hour ago. He loves guitars and loves music so it makes sense that he can bust a move if need be. Here's the link:


1 comment:

BisMan Cheapskate said...

He could not be any cuter! Love it :)