Monday, January 13, 2014

Dear Pinterest.

You may be wondering where I've been the last six months. I mean I used to be a big fan of yours. Checking daily, sometimes when cooking or planning meals I'd be with you multiple times in a day. I really enjoyed my time with you. So much inspiration and ideas and probably-will-never-do-that-but-it-feels-good-to-pin-it-anyways. I never let it go too long without checking out those I followed, making sure all I pinned were worthy of my repin, occasionally finding something out there I was especially glad to find.

But, you see, my unplanned hiatus has its reasons. You weren't the only thing taking a back seat. And of course, I kept meaning to get back on to fuel creativity and meal planning, inspire my gift giving and holidays, help my parenting and give me those aha moments... but life has kept getting in the way since that first week in July and my app button and Pinterest toolbar have been left unpushed, unclicked since.

I have no idea what is going on in your world. I wonder about all that I have missed these last six months. And mostly I am looking forward to the day again (soon?) when we will be friends again, able to frolic the lands of inspiration together.

Until then, do save some recipes and tricks and craftiness for me. I'll be back. Someday.


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