Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Naming the Baby

In case you haven't heard, Greg and I still have no idea what we are naming our baby. No idea. We have way too many opinions and criteria that the name has to meet. Below are some of our criteria, not in any order of importance. 1. Easy to pronounce 2. Easy to spell 3. No z’s or x’s – too confusing with Kasowski 4. Goes well with Linn and Kasowski 5. Obviously a girl’s name; not one that could also be a boy’s name 6. Not super popular so she has 30 classmates with the same name 7. Not generational so it’s obvious what era she was born in (ie, Heather, Jennifer, Michelle's of the 70's and 80's) 8. Not already a name of a relative or close friend’s child 9. Not a name of someone that left a bad impression on us/negative connotation 10. Must mean something normal and not weird; ideally something that was meaningful or biblical 11. Not planning to name her something but call her by a nickname (Greg's name is Gregory... but only on paper) 12. Ideally there would be a family connection somehow That's all I can think of now but as you can see, there probably isn't a name out there that fits all our criteria! We are just that picky! I don't have strong opinions about labor or child rearing, but I do have strong opinions about the name. It's much harder when you are thinking about actually naming a person compared to just speculating. We do need to think of a name in case she decides to come early (though I think she's going to be good and stay in there 'til April). Tonight my heart rate is super high and it's just hard to breathe... so times like this I think it would be nice to "skip out" on this last month if she was healthy enough! She's moving around and taking up all the space that my organs are used to. Greg made me stay home and rest to try to keep my heart rate down... we'll see if that helps! If anyone would like to offer their suggestions, feel free. Just don't feel offended if we don't choose your name and go with something like Mildred :)


Jill K said...

Oh Heather, Mary and I have loved getting to read your fun posts and stay up on all your latest. Geesh! The name thing is tough but I'm sure you'll end up with some stunning name when the time is right!

We love you all lots and are excited for you- the church launch and the baby meeting soon!!!

Wish we could be with you for the welcome party!

Much love,

Linnea said...

Sweet blog! I just got in on the action. Many prayers from nd.