Monday, March 22, 2010

What a Week.

Here are a few photos from one week ago... a lot can sure happen in a week! We took a few photos together for the baby book and a few funny ones of Greg and the diaper dude bag he got from his co-workers. And here was my 35+ week belly shot. We haven't taken a 36 week shot yet, but I'll post when we do. I've been on bed rest since Friday and it seems to be "working." They set me up on Saturday for checking weight, BP, heart rate and protein which I do twice a day and call in my results. So far everything has been normal. And my feet are not very swollen either. My conclusion is that bed rest has helped that and my BP significantly... even though yesterday I wanted to scream I was already sick of being on bed rest. I know bed rest is helping and the goal is that baby would be ready and that I would not develop preeclampsia. So even though she's getting big enough to be just fine if she came, they still want me to be on bed rest so I don't get preeclampsia or anything else weird/dangerous. I remind myself of this often! I'm looking forward to my blood specialist appointment on Wednesday to see if they can shed some light on my platelet issues... looking back, what a weird three days of circumstances and symptoms!?!

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