Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dr. Smith App't Take 2 and a Good Read.

Not great news to report today: my platelets went back down. Big bummer. This means the reason they probably went up at my last app't is because of the steroids. And now the question is how low will they go?

For medical people that may want details: the lowest they have been is 109, they went up to 146 last week and are back to 121 today. Dr. Smith said they won't do anything unless they drop below 100 (and then I believe the plan is to give me steroids).

So back to Dr. Smith and his $50 co-pays (found that out today) again next week. Blast!

I'm thinking baby should decide to come this week so that we don't have to deal with my weird platelets anymore!

On a brighter note, I read a good novel this weekend called Peace Like A River by Leif Enger, a MN Public Radio guy. I was reserving books like crazy at the library and happened upon a list of recommended books from the local library staff, saw the word Minnesota and thought I'd give it a try. It's a very folksy and spiritual sort of book and much of it is set in North Dakota (which I loved).

Good quote: "Anyway, have you ever been to North Dakota? In good sunlight you can see someone coming eight miles away."

The icing on the cake for me was after reading it I was doing some research and found John Piper's recommendation for the book. How 'bout that! I liked the same book as John Piper! (He's a super famous, really sweet preacher from MN in case you don't know). So read it if you are needing a good novel fix.

I'll post after our OB app't tomorrow morning with yet another update!

1 comment:

Seth Franke said...

"Fair is whatever God wants to do." -Enger